Category: Staffing

Rethink Performance Management Amid Remote Working
Rethink Performance Management Amid Remote Working

COVID-19 has brought huge changes in everything we do today; organizations are remodeling functions to adapt to the changing scenario with new processes. When we talk about performance management, leaders today, agree that the performance management system should be re-designed and re-calibrated to be more aligned to the post-COVID or recovery phas...Read more

12 Must Do’s For Productive Meetings
12 Must Do’s For Productive Meetings

meetings be a waste of time, but if not planned efficiently, they are actually a waste of money too. In another study about time budgeting, it was found that a single weekly meeting of mid-level managers cost an organization approximately $15M a year! from Unlocking Success: The Power of Making Smart Hiring Decisions for Your Business...Read more

Diversity and Its Importance to the Future of Recruiting
Diversity and Its Importance to the Future of Recruiting

Last year, we heard it over and over “It’s a year unlike any other”. Alongside an unprecedented virus threat, political uncertainty, economic and labor disruptions; the world also had a renewed focus on the importance of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). Before we take a deep dive into the subject; let’s have a quick glance Re...Read more

How Digital Transformation Will Help Recruiters in 2021
How Digital Transformation Will Help Recruiters in 2021

How Digital Transformation Will Help Recruiters in 2021 Recruitment technology is more evolved than ever and it helps you in more ways than you can imagine, including freeing up your bandwidth for other important strategic roles. Even though digital transformation sounds like just another catchphrase, trust me, it is worth exploring the positive im...Read more

Best Practices Around Remote Sourcing, Screening, and Hiring
Best Practices Around Remote Sourcing, Screening, and Hiring

Employers have adapted and become comfortable with the idea of remote working because of the benefits it provides to not only the employer, but the employee as well. Statistics show that a remote employee is more productive, more affordable and has less turnover. However, implementing remote sourcing, screening, and hiring program is not as easy Re...Read more

Tips to Excel in Hiring Remote Employees
Tips to Excel in Hiring Remote Employees

We long for the day when we can talk about COVID-19 as a thing of the past and be back to normal, but I think we can safely agree that may still be a ways off. With that said, we are going to have to adjust and adapt to the new normal in order to from Unlocking Success: The Power of Making Smart Hiring Decisions for Your Business...Read more

Transforming The Future Of Your Business With Right Staffing Services
Transforming The Future Of Your Business With Right Staffing Services

AgreeYa is a trusted staffing partner for organizations seeking best-fit for their critical staffing initiatives. We leverage our global footprint to provide the best resources in your location and deliver measurable growth against your revenue investment. Our comprehensive process involves candidate screening, detailed resource analysis, and techn...Read more

AgreeYa Helped A Telecom Giant Save Staffing Cost with Budget Maximization
AgreeYa Helped A Telecom Giant Save Staffing Cost with Budget Maximization

Our client is a leading and early adopter of all innovative technologies and telecom networking technologies therefore they always have a demand for resources with vanilla skills as well as niche skillsets. They follow very challenging metrics in their hiring procedures and have multiple stakeholders based across different geographies. Download the...Read more

12 Tips To Not Let Meetings Kill Your Productivity
12 Tips To Not Let Meetings Kill Your Productivity

“A meeting is an event at which the minutes are kept and the hours are lost” Meetings are meant to foster productivity, efficiency, and lead to better outcomes. They help everyone to be on the same page and collectively decide what needs to be done. Even the most challenging tasks can be completed in an from Unlocking Success: The...Read more

AgreeYa Helped A Financial Sector Leader Gain Competitive Advantage With Efficient Hiring
AgreeYa Helped A Financial Sector Leader Gain Competitive Advantage With Efficient Hiring

Our customer had to deliver projects with strict deadlines and their success was directly related to the timely delivery of the project. To achieve their objective, the client wanted to hire an experienced staffing consultant who could help them overcome challenges around operational inefficiencies in hiring and provide end-to-end support to hire t...Read more