A Tool for Gauging the Mortgage Situation

Our customer, one of the five divisions of Freedom Financial Network provides information and interactive tools dealing with personal finance topics, including credit cards, insurance, debt relief assistance, mortgage loans, student loans and other personal loans. To expand their product portfolio, the customer wanted to build a tool that would attract and engage their consumers who were looking for web based tool to learn about mortgages and evaluate their current mortgage situation for better financial planning.

The solution delivered got great response from market and helped the customer deliver value by integrating some of its external financial services and other third-party systems. Further, it also acted as extended product cross selling platform. The product included a robust security wrapper that complied with financial industry standards of PCI Data Security Standard (DSS).

Read the complete case study to know how we assisted our financial client in coming up with a financial tool that helped the end customer in gauging his mortgage situation.

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