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Compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) may not always be the top priority for property owners and facility management, but it is essential in the property lifecycle. Staying compliant with the federal legislation save considerable amount of time & money for the owners and facilities managers. Consequently, organizations need to proactively monitor, identify and mitigate ADA compliance issues.

At AgreeYa, we have identified the roadblocks organizations face in their quest to stay ADA compliant. To overcome the issue, we have created a facilities ADA tracking app, leveraging powerful Microsoft technologies including SharePoint and Power Platform. AgreeYa's app enables organizations to swiftly identify and work towards addressing the ADA issues without wasting and time, effort and money.

What We Offer

Icon shows comprehensive-power-bi-dashboard

Comprehensive Power BI Dashboard to gain quick understanding of ADA issues.

Icon shows data filtering

Various filters and refiners to identify pertinent issues.

Icon shows process workflow

Facilitates workflow communications between various departments and the ADA project manager.

Icon depicts robust admin panel

Robust Admin Panel for ADA Project Manager to simplify back-end management.

Icon depicts ability to select issues by location

Ability to select issues by location maps and create projects.

Icon depicts custom reports

Custom reports help organizations stay proactive in ADA compliance.

Ensure ADA & Accessibility Compliance With Agreeya’s Facilities ADA Tracking App

Why Choose Facilities ADA Tracking for Your Business?

Icon depicts saving hundreds of hours of effort
Saves hundreds of hours which would have otherwise gone into manually managing and tracking ADA issues.
Icon depicts significant reductions in time
Reduces reporting time & effort significantly, using Power BI dashboards.
Icon depicts improve end-to-end processing
Improves end-to-end processing of data and reports.
Icon depicts boost process productivity
Boosts process productivity with automated alerts.
Icon depicts better efficiency
Better efficiency in managing and tracking ADA issues.
Icon depicting more transparency
More transparency and accountability into the various stages of the process.
Image of a person working on laptop surrounded with technology
Image of four squares of different colors

AgreeYa helps Stanislaus County Manage ADA Issues Better with an Issue Tracking Application