Technology Is the Answer to Healthcare Talent Shortage
Healthcare Talent Shortage

“A more adaptive solution towards the healthcare talent shortage is likely to come through creative thinking and technological understanding.”

Medical Group Management Association found that the medical turnover rate for primary case staff was 20% long before the pandemic threw medical staff into overdrive. Imagine the current prevailing situation! Medical staff is often burned out; long hours, overloaded schedules, inefficient workflows, and the ever-increasing challenge caused by COVID 19. 

Nearly three-quarters of medical leaders describe how the pandemic challenged their staffing needs as the turnover rate quickly escalated in an already-tight staffing market.
The ever-burgeoning medical staffing crisis presents a harsh reality to healthcare organizations- the need to revamp and update methodologies!

Imagine a situation where the front-office team members are short in supply, and administrative tasks are no longer taken care of. 
Thinking about the consequences?

  • Increased bottlenecks at the registration, long waiting for the patient’s appointments, and of course, delayed follow-ups lead to the inconvenience that can push patients to switch their care providers- completely!
  • Physical and emotional exhaustion of your employees, heavy workload, long hours, and continuous stress push the staff to quit finally.

Diving Deep- Is Technology the Rescue We Need?

To successfully navigate the healthcare talent shortage, providers must come up with ways to retain their staff without sacrificing the quality of care, patient capacity, or revenue generation. Evaluating these factors in a nutshell, embracing technology sounds like a viable option, and providers should refrain from adopting it!

By implementing cloud-based solutions, healthcare organizations can leverage real-time data to understand their employees’ issues better and prioritize their needs. Further, they can deploy special programs proven to deliver enhanced recruitment and retention rate and take care of the well-being of their patients and their employees. 
Here are some proven methods supported by advanced healthcare technology to overcome your healthcare talent crisis.

End-to-end Talent Acquisition Support

Thanks to the new-age technology, it can successfully and efficiently support the entire process of report optimization. Starting from candidate screening, evaluation, onboarding, and task allocation. With the combined effort of Artificial Intelligence, Automation, Analytics, etc., organizations can effortlessly achieve the following out of many unsaid advantages:

  • Job Description Match
  • Resume Screening
  • Automated Applicant Tracking
  • Candidates monitoring/interviewing
  • Measuring Responses 

Dashboards to Solve Visibility Crisis

You can anticipate the shortage of your resources when you have a real-time dashboard to showcase moving figures. Adding analytics to your new method of retaining talents can give you an edge and provide valuable insights into candidate behavior. With an active digital dashboard, you can achieve the following:

  • Better talent management
  • Enhanced communication 
  • Better employee engagement
  • Improved talent retention, purely supported by data & analytics

Think Digital, Automate for Better

Automating administrative tasks and iterative workflows can go a long way in easing the lives of overburdened healthcare staff. Hence, implement automotive solutions that can take care of the manual operations, reduce the care time, improve the quality of care and significantly improve the patient experience. Automation can benefit your healthcare staff and your organization in the following ways:

  • Enhanced employer brand
  • Improved worker satisfaction
  • More loyal staff hence lower attrition
  • Better customer experience
  • Overall digital transformation

The Power of Innovative Technologies

Harness the power of new-age recruitment tools and technologies to help you deliver fast, simple, secure & transparent services. These tools have the ability to augment human judgment and enable them to make data and AI-driven decisions leading to better healthcare outcomes. The chances of talent retention increase when you have quality talent carefully selected through a pool of experts. Here’s how the recruitment tools can impact your talent retention rate:

  • Identify top candidates for the available positions
  • Enjoy smart referral networks to broadcast job requirements instantly
  • Make better & informed hiring decisions with data-driven insights
  • Measure the satisfaction rate of your employees

Expand Your Talent Outreach 

As a Healthcare organization, you can increase the intake of qualified talent leads by reaching out to expert external recruiters. This can be done using a crowdsourcing platform that connects you with external recruitment specialists who can significantly expand your talent outreach. Here’s why you should invest in crowdsourcing platforms:

  • Attracts a larger pool of qualified talents
  • Scouts the best talent
  • Scales the healthcare operations
  • Enhances the hiring experience for the candidates

Yes, Technology is the Answer!

As this healthcare talent crisis intensifies, organizations that have already moved to technology solutions will have the edge over their competitors. They will be able to secure qualified talents and the skills needed to make their overall talent process more adaptable, efficient, cost-effective, and result driven. As the result of innovative methodologies packed together by the new-age technologies, healthcare organizations will be able to deliver an optimal experience not just for their employees but for their patients, stakeholders, and anybody else involved in their ecosystem. So why wait? Now is the time to take action and save your organization from the crisis it does not deserve.

Partnering With the Specialist is the Right Strategy!

By now, you must have understood that technology is the key; it is the secret weapon that eases your hiring process and increases talent retention, among many other benefits. With the right staffing partner and technology by your side, you can drive higher engagement, enhance efficiency and drive digital transformation in your healthcare organization. But is this engagement a practical ask for an organization, considering they already have a lot on their plate to take care of? This is where talent management firms come in!

As a specialized and experienced healthcare staffing partner, AgreeYa Healthcare understands the nitty-gritty of healthcare resource requirements and ways to attract and hire the best talent. Our omnichannel sourcing methodologies, smart referrals, and AI-driven recruitment platform help healthcare providers make informed decisions. This strategy further helps them stay ahead of the talent shortage curve, which is likely to increase from 61,700 and 94,700 in the US in the next five years (Association of American Medical Colleges).

Get in touch with our experts today and learn how technology mixed with the right strategies, can help you make the right decisions.

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