Landing Blog Subcription (#9)
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“Cloud” has been at the frontline of humankind’s fight against the COVID-19. It has not just made lives virtually livable during the time of lockdowns and social distancing but has also ensured business continuity. Cloud technology has provided businesses with a resilient foundation of anytime, anywhere infrastructure on-demand that is critical in uncertain times like these, and will continue to play a pivotal role once office shutters open.

Remote Working is the ‘New Normal’

74% of CFOs recently surveyed intend to move on-site employees remote beyond COVID-19.

-Gartner Study

The last few months of remote working, hugely enabled by the cloud, have shown that productive work can be executed anytime, anywhere. And at this point, there is a clear forecast that businesses will extend remote working even once social distancing is no longer required. This means organizations need to gear up for an extended period of remote working and prepare their infrastructure likewise.

Challenges of the ‘New Normal’

For many organizations the transition to the cloud has been very smooth, while there are others that face major roadblocks. The fact is: with the sudden COVID-19 outbreak many organizations chose their cloud services as a temporary remote working fix. As a result, their cloud experience has not been optimum. Let us look through some of the major challenges faced such organizations:

How Microsoft Azure is helping Organizations cope with the challenges of the ‘New Normal’

In a recent post, Microsoft reported 775% increase in the Microsoft cloud usage since the COVID-19 outbreak. This positions Microsoft Azure as one of the fastest growing Cloud platforms on the planet today.

Microsoft Azure has been successful in transforming the way organizations operate and use technology to combat the challenges presented by the ‘New Normal’. It can help in mitigating some of the leading bottlenecks involved with the cloud transformation. How? Let us take a look:

Want to Fast-track Your Azure Cloud Journey?

As a Microsoft certified Cloud Solutions Provider, AgreeYa has been enabling organizations to transition, manage and utilize Azure Cloud to achieve their intended business outcomes and mitigate existing technology challenges. We can assist you with our value-added services such as Workload Assessment and Roadmap Planning, System Center End Point Management Services, Data Warehousing & Integration, Disaster Recovery and Backup on Azure, App Migration to Azure and Cloud Managed Services. Contact us for more information.

Landing Blog Subcription (#9)