Landing Blog Subcription (#9)
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As the world deals with the COVID-19 outbreak, more organizations are seeing remote work as an option to diminish the spread of the disease and the impact it will have on their business. With the right processes, support structures and smart use of technology, organizations can ensure the safety and health of their employees without impacting the business operations.

In a similar fashion, staffing firms are also going online to interview candidates who are working from home during the coronavirus pandemic. This move comes as part of the social distancing strategy as businesses try to reduce the spread of the virus.

Everyone is happy to use this approach because it minimizes human contact amidst the Coronavirus outbreak. From our own experience, I can say that there is a strong sense of candidate appreciation when you show concern for their health, schedule or family situation.

Virtual recruiting is critical for the future of staffing services. Current events amid COVID-19 gave us a challenge to overcome and gave us a chance to acid test our best practices, stress-test remote capabilities and also re-imagine the way we connect with candidates.

At AgreeYa, our staffing services and all of our hiring interviews continue to move forward as usual via Microsoft Teams. Microsoft Teams as we all know is a communication and collaboration platform that combines chat, video meetings, file storage and application integration in one single platform.

We understand that online and virtual interviewing is different, but it is certainly not an obstacle to the staffing process. Additionally, it does not compromise on the quality of the interviewing process. This is because you do not lose the human connection with the video conference. You can still assess facial expressions, behavior, and level of engagement during a virtual interview.

To fulfill our commitment to continuous and quality service, our staffing experts have moved candidate interviews and corporate presentations to video, and we are encouraging our clients and prospect candidates also to use the same. It efficiently streamlines and improves the interview process due to its chat/call/video conferencing, file sharing and collaboration tools.

Our customers are and will remain our top priority always and are making all possible efforts to delivering the highest quality of service to you. With the use of the best available technology tools, all our staffing services are up & running and on schedule. We found our efficiency much higher compared to face to face interviews. Microsoft Teams has other limitless benefits when used as a resource for recruitment.

For the benefits of our readers, I am sharing some of the features of Microsoft Teams that we are using to make the staffing services hassle-free and smooth

Groups Creation – Our smart team members are using group creation feature so that all the stakeholders like the recruiting manager, hiring manager and candidate all can discuss the position together.

File sharing – Sharing files is easy on Microsoft Teams. You can work and share the contracts and other documents instantly for faster response and easy consolidation. This can be done during calls or offline also.

Recording Meetings – We record interviews for future use and share them with other members when required with unlimited playback.

Video conferencing and subtitles – Enjoy benefits of both group conferencing and one-on-one calls using Microsoft Teams.

Mobility – Zero travel required! Conduct interviews on the move and join from any device including a laptop, tablet, and smartphone by downloading Teams app.

Data Security – Security of your data is our priority. We protect it by customizable security setups.

To summarize, we have made changes to our staffing process to make the recruitment process more flexible and engaging for all parties in the current situation. It has enabled our staffing team to make well-informed choices on candidates, and take insightful recruitment decisions promptly.

While, we pray that the world comes out of this catastrophe soon, but having said that, we are prepared to manage this crisis with support from our customers, expert team and advance technology.

What are candidates saying about our virtual interview process
“In the current situation, moving to the virtual interviews was a relief. I have always found that traditional interviewing methods were slow-paced and time-consuming. On the other hand, with online interviews, it has become more streamlined. Additionally, it also gives you a hint about how pro-active, modern and tech-savvy is the organization you are planning to join”.
What are recruiters saying about our virtual interview process
“Processes need to evolve with time and changing needs. Virtual interview process helped us skip lengthy interview processes and the cost of in-person interviews. Now, the interview process is very streamlined what was previously a laborious task”.
Landing Blog Subcription (#9)